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The Plot against the Church by Maurice Pinay – Part 4 of 4

Simian Practicalist
(Omnia Veritas cover)
(Omnia Veritas cover)

The book is organized into four parts. Due to the overall length of the book and to keep these articles short, this review is also divided into four parts.

  • Part 1: “The Secret Driving Force of Communism”

  • Part 2: “The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry”

  • Part 3: “The Synagogue of Satan”

  • Part 4: “The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy”

As already mentioned, this part forms the bulk of the book. The author(s) provides many details whilst trying to keep being a general overview of the history.

The weakness is that whilst the text may, for example, focus on 7th and 8th centuries in parts, it does not cover other centuries or cover them as much. This is admittedly difficult as the intrigue is not limited to one geographical region.

Nonetheless, I would prefer if the author(s) did try to cover the intrigue through the twenty centuries.

The other issue is that in some instances the author(s) does not initially mention dates or explain the context of the historical event, assuming that it is general knowledge to the reader. This may have been the case at the time of publication but not necessarily the case today.

Below are some key points and excerpts from Part 4: “The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy” which contains 44 chapters. This is not intended to be a summary.

● This part, as the title states, is about the history of the “Jewish Fifth Column” which the author(s) describe in general terms below.

This “Fifth column” is formed by the descendants of the Jews, who in earlier centuries were converted to Christianity and seemingly held in enthusiastic manner to the religion of Christ, while in secret they preserved their Jewish belief and carried out clandestinely the Jewish rites and ceremonies. For this purpose they organised themselves into communities and secret synagogues, which were active centuries-long in secret. These apparent Christians, but secret Jews, began centuries ago to infiltrate into Christian society, in order to attempt to control it from within. For this reason they sowed false doctrines and differences of opinion and even attempted to gain control of the clergy in the different churches of Christ. With all this, they applied the cunning of introducing crypto-Jewish Christians into the seminaries of the priesthood, who could gain admission into the honorary offices in the Holy Catholic Church and then into the dissident churches, upon whose division these secret Jews had so much influence.

● Jewish historian Cecil Roth writes about so-called crypto-Jewry in A History of the Marranos:

Crypto-Jewry is in its various forms just as old as the Jews themselves. At the time of Greek rule in Palestine, those weak of character attempted to conceal their origin, in order to avoid arousing derision at athletic exercises. Likewise under Roman discipline the evasions increased so as to avoid payment of the special Jewish tax, the “Fiscus Judaicus”, which was introduced after the fall of Jerusalem.

● According to Roth, Jews “converted” on multiple occasions in Europe during the early centuries of the Church. Whilst the Church has always condemned forced conversions, some Jews converted when faced with death or banishment as their other choices. Generally, Jews deliberately went underground from the 5th century onwards and continued operating in those conditions.

However, the phenomenon of Marranism went beyond forced conversion and the consequent practice of Judaism in secret. Its essential characteristic is that it was a clandestine faith passed down from father to son. One of the reasons put forward to justify the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 was that they seduced newly-made converts and made them return to the “vomit of Judaism”. Jewish chroniclers add that many children were seized and sent to the north of the land, where they continued for a long time to practise their former religion. It is owing to this fact, reports one of them, that the English accepted the Reformation so easily; it also explains their preference for Biblical names and certain dietetic peculiarities which are preserved in Scotland. This version is not so improbable as would seem at first sight, and constitutes an interesting example of how the phenomenon of crypto-Jewry can appear in places which seem obviously so little suited to it. In the same way, some malicious genealogists discovered that, after the Jews had been driven out of the south of France, some proud ancestral families, as a result of rumours, carried on Judaism in their homes as the remnant of the bloodline of those Jews who preferred to remain as public and confessing Catholics.

● Roth describes Spain as the “classic land of crypto-Jewry”. Despite efforts to clamp down on crypto-Jewry since Reccared ascended to the throne in 589 AD, the number of crypto-Jews discovered by Arabs when they invaded in 711 AD “proves the complete failure of the repeated attempts to convert them”. Some Jews “converted” to Islam.

● One of the first dangers to the early Church was Gnosticism. This is admittedly a broad term, but one can simplistically attribute its beginnings to Simon the Magician, a Jew and false convert as recorded in the book of Acts.

● Gnosticism (“science”) claims esoteric meanings to Scripture, amongst other things. According to the Jewish-Castilian Encyclopaedia:

The fact that the original Gnosticism, both the Christian as well as the Jewish, used Hebrew names in its system and that it even based its opposition upon Biblical ideas, points to its Jewish origin.

● Gnostics believe that God as spirit is good but matter is intrinsically evil. He created “intermediary beings called aeons, who are connected with one another and who, united with the Highest Being, represented the kingdom of light.” Demiurge was an aeon who rebelled against God and was cast out of the kingdom of light. He then created our universe, including giving material form to man’s souls. God then sent an aeon named Christ to redeem souls (which are good) that are attached to physical bodies (which are evil).

● Different gnostic sects adopt different interpretations as to who Christ is and what his exact nature is. One school of thought even identifies Christ as Demiurge. [The implication is obvious as the roles of Christ and satan are muddled or even reversed.]

● Gnostics promote the idea that the divine has revealed itself through all religions, in effect promoting religious pluralism and religious indifference and in turn a “universal religion”. [This is consistent with modern humanism promoted by freemasonry.]

● The Valentinian gnostic sect promoted prostitution in the 2nd century. It was during this period that St Irenaeus fought against Gnosticism.

● The attitude of trying to find hidden meanings is somewhat reflected in protestantism centuries later which, to varying degrees, promotes free individual inquiry and interpretation of Scripture.

● According to Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by N.H. Webster, the Carpocratian gnostic sect in the 2nd century

…arrived at much the same conclusions as modern Communists with regard to the ideal social system. Thus Epiphanus held that, since Nature herself reveals the principle of the community and the unity of all things, human laws which are contrary to this law of Nature are so many culpable infractions of the legitimate order of things. Before these laws were imposed on humanity, everything was in common—lands, goods, and women. According to certain contemporaries, the Carpocratians returned to this primitive system by instituting the community of women and indulging in every kind of licence.

● In short, the influence of Gnosticism can be seen in errors and heresies even centuries later.

● Arianism divided the early Church for three and a half centuries. In simple terms, it denies the Trinity and the Divinity of Christ.

● Arius, born in 256 AD in Libya, was a Jew convert who already had a history of rebellion as he was attached to Melesius who usurped the office of the Bishop of Alexandria. He later reconciled with the Church and was seemingly a good Catholic.

● He later became a priest. As for the heresy, his tactic was to never overtly attack Christ and indeed praised Him so that his heresy may not be easily detected. The Council of Nicea in 325 AD condemned his views.

● St Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, fought against Arianism. The Arians’ attack against him included accusations of murder, seduction and selling grain to Egyptians to create a food shortage in Constantinople. This last accusation unfortunately got Athanasius exiled. He would later return and be exiled multiple times.

● Julian the Apostate was proclaimed Roman Emperor in 360 AD and fortunately only lasted for about two years. He was allied with the Jews. Together, they tried to re-establish paganism and destroy Christianity.

● The struggle continued between the Church and the Arians and Jews, depending on which side the emperors favored. St Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and St John Chrysostom openly combated the Arians and Jews.

● According to Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz:

The Middle Ages began for Jewry with Theodosius II (408–450), a very talented Emperor, but guided by monks, and whose weakness granted freedom from punishment to the fanatical zeal of some bishops and fostered cruelty. Edicts of this Emperor forbade the Jews to build new synagogues, to celebrate on Thursdays the synagogue service communally for Jews and Christians, and to keep Christian slaves. In addition they contained some other bans of lesser importance. Under this Emperor the Patriarchy finally fell.

● According to the author(s), it is common for Jewish sources to record the persecutions of Jews but not the reason for them. In the case of the above, it was due to the Nestorian heresy which denies the hypostatic union of Christ’s divine nature and human nature.

● St Cyril of Alexandria fought against this heresy. During that time, the likes of St Augustine (of Hippo) and St Jerome also openly condemned the Jews.

● According to the Jewish-Castilian Encyclopaedia referring to the invading Teutonic tribes that were aligned to the Arians:

As a consequence of the tolerant treatment shown them by the invaders, the Hebrews declared their solidarity with them in their wars against the Catholic monarchies. Thus they took an active part in the defence of Arles (508) against Clovis, the king of the Franks, and in that of Naples (537) against Justinian.

● Graetz describes the disintegration of the Roman Western Empire from the Arian invaders:

The repeated invasion of the barbaric tribes and the countless wars caused the number of prisoners to rise, and the Jews carried on a lively slave trade, although they were not the only ones to do so.

● Arian-aligned Visigoths converted to Catholicism when Reccared ascended to the throne in 589 AD, who then clamped down on the crypto-Jews. The Toledo III council in that year removed Jews from public offices.

● Subsequent emperors were not as strict. The measures against the Jews varied over the centuries. Being banned from government and military positions was common. Death, banishment or conversion were also the common choices. For example, according to the Jewish-Castilian Encyclopaedia, Emperor Justinian

…ordered the reading of the Torah in Greek, hoping for the conversion of the Jews by this method, and in 532 he declared null and void every testimony made by a Jew against a Christian. This measure was later raised to a law almost everywhere in Christendom, having as its logical foundation the fact that the Jews, feeling themselves justified in lying to Christians and Gentiles…

● However, these “conversions” generally did not last; whatever tactics that were employed, whether gentle or harsh, did not work. For example, according to the Jewish-Spanish Encyclopaedia referring to Byzantine Emperor Basil I (867–885), who offered Jews honours and tax exemptions if they converted.

More than a thousand communities saw themselves compelled to accept baptism; however, after the death of the Emperor, they returned to their primitive religion.

● The Toledo IV council in 633 AD declared that any priest or layman who supported the Jews, whether through “briberies or favors”, are excommunicated, amongst other measures. However, nothing beyond the usual measures already in place prevented crypto-Jews from entering the priesthood.

● Subsequent Toledo councils declared various measures in defense of the Church and society, depending on the circumstances. According to Dutch historian Reinhardt Dozy:

Towards 694, seven years before Spain was conquered by the Musulmans, they planned a general revolt together with their brothers in belief on the other side of the Straits of Gibraltar, where several Berber tribes practised the Jewish religion and those expelled from Spain took refuge. Probably it was intended that the revolt should break out in several places at once, when the Jews from Africa had landed on the Spanish coast. But before it came to this the government was given knowledge of the plot. King Egica at once seized upon the necessary measures.

● King Egica’s son Witiza, however, reconciled with the Jews and in effect reversed the policies of his father. He even took on Jewish advisors. According to Spanish historian Marcelino Menendez Pelayo:

The indigenous population would have been able to show resistance to the handful of Arabs who crossed the Straits, but Witiza had disarmed them, levelled the towers to the ground and had the lances turned into harrows.

● Later, through crypto-Jew Eudon, Witiza was replaced with Roderigo. Eudon then became minister of state. Roderigo transferred command of the army to traitor Archbishop Oppas who at a convenient moment in battle switched sides, going over to the invading Islamic army. In short, Jews make and betray alliances in order to maintain control of both sides and therefore control of the overall situation.

● According to church historian Juan Tejada y Ramiro,

…a Jewish conjurer incited the Iconoclastic ideas with the Byzantine Emperor Leo the Isaurian. This monarch accepted these tendencies with great fanaticism and for a start had the image of our Lord Jesus Christ pulled down, which had been arranged high over the gate of Constantinople. According to this learned collector of Church canons, this image “was worshipped by the people to the embitterment of the Jews for many years.”

● The Second Council of Nicea in 787 AD dealt with the issue of iconoclasm and refused communion to fake converts.

● The origins of Jews in Germany according to Graetz:

A large number of German soldiers took part with the legions in the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem. Many of them chose from the great number of captives the most beautiful women and took them with them to the banks of the Rhine and Maine. The children of these unions were half Jews and half Germans and were introduced by their mothers to Judaism, for their father raised no objections in this regard.

● Frankish king Charlemagne became the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Although he defended the Church and the Papacy and is considered a political and military genius, he made use of the Jews in matters of trade since they were not allowed to serve in the military. Thus, the Jews enjoyed a certain status and took advantage of their position but refrained from any revolutionary activity until after Charlemagne’s death.

● Charlemagne’s son Ludwig lifted many restrictions on the Jews. St Bernhard, Archbishop of Vienna and Agobard, Archbishop of Lyon, were openly against the Jews’ and Ludwig’s actions. The latter archbishop was deposed in the struggle.

● Bishop Bodo occupied a high position and even later converted to Judaism. It is unclear whether his conversion was part of the Jewish conspiracy and propaganda.

● Amolon, who succeeded Agobard as the Archbishop of Lyon continued the fight against the Jews. He participated at the council in Meaux in 845 AD which approved measures such as banning Jews from occupying public office and collecting taxes, amongst other things.

● From the 10th century onwards, the Jews began to betray their Muslim allies. They helped the Christian forces intent on reconquering the Iberian peninsula. In 1350 AD, Peter the Cruel (Peter of Castile) ascended to the throne and surrounded himself with Jewish advisors and officials. Terror and murder of Christians, including clergy, were the norm. He even had his wife Bianca de Bourbon murdered. She was the sister of Joanna, the Queen of France.

● Peter’s half-brother Henry later defeated Peter with the aid of the Jews betraying Peter. Henry had the moral support of the pope but after taking the throne, he admitted Jews to the court.

At this stage of the battle there were Jews in both rival camps. They had already discovered the secret of future triumphs: to bet upon two cards, in order to always win. To achieve success with this kind of manoeuvre, the Jews had naturally pretended schisms or divisions in their own ranks, so that attention was not drawn to the fact that one group stood on one side of the combatants and another on the opponents. Thus, after the defeat of Peter at Montiel, they obtained good positions in the government of the victor.

● There were rumors that Peter was of Jewish descent. However, this could be a deception as, for example, the Jews tried to convince Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V that they were descended from Jews. Neither man believed the Jewish claims.

● As already mentioned, crypto-Jews were outwardly practicing Catholics but secretly adhered to their rites. According to a letter dated 1489 which fell into the hands of French authorities and was later published by Abbé Chabauty, infiltration of the clergy was recommended as part of the tactics. Below is an excerpt.

You say that your synagogues are destroyed. Let your sons become priests and abbots, so that they can destroy the Christian Church.
You say that you are oppressed in other ways. Let your sons become lawyers or notaries or undertake some other profession which has usually to do with public affairs. Thus you will rule the Christians, you will gain control of their land and avenge yourselves upon them.

● One infamous example was that of Peter Leo of the Pierleoni family, originally part of the Jewish community in Rome. Pierleoni rose through the ranks and became a cardinal. As if by divine providence, Pope Honorius II died with Pierleoni absent, thus the cardinals elected Gregorio Papareschi who took the name Innocent II. Nonetheless, Pierleoni tried to usurp the papal throne with the gold he had secretly accumulated as (anti-pope) Anacletus II.

● Pope Innocent II had to flee to France. With the help of St Bernard and St Norbert, they gained the support of the French and German emperors as well as many prelates. The Council of Rheims in 1131 AD confirmed the election of Innocent II. The struggle, however, was not short and Anacletus II held the usurped position until he died in 1138 AD.

● However, his brother Giordano Pierleoni continued the revolutionary activities against Innocent II and his successors.

● Heretical movements against the Church instigated by crypto-Jewry typically favors the below.

  • Suppression of monastic orders, particularly rules of discipline such as poverty and celibacy. (Using those who have homosexual tendencies to some extent circumvents these barriers.)

  • Suppression of the Church hierarchy.

  • Suppression of the veneration of religious images as this is repugnant to the Jewish mentality.

  • Suppression of what is now labelled as “anti-semitism”.

● Infiltration that avoids detection takes time and the conditions of entry into religious life and rules of discipline serve as a defensive barrier. Therefore, suppression of the abovementioned aids future infiltration and control and also corrupts the quality of the faithful.

● In the 13th century, the Albigensian heresy, which originated in southern France, led to mayhem. They adhered to a dualistic principle. [One can see the Gnostic influence.] In application, they promoted common ownership and independence from authority, particularly Church authority. According to Hesekiel Teyssier:

The Albigensians were protected by powerful magnates and instigated fires, caused devastations and committed countless hideous crimes. With armies of a hundred thousand men they plundered the cities and above all destroyed the churches and monasteries. Every kind of crime was familiar to them and delighted them. The peoples were seized by terror.

● According to Jewish historian Narcisse Leven:

The Albigensians are not the only Christians who attack the Church and its dogmas. On the other side also there are unbelievers. For this the Jews are guilty; the Albigensians received their instructions from them, and many a one admits that the Jewish doctrine is to be preferred to the Christian. The Jews are the founders of heresy.

● Along with the above was the movement of the Waldenses which on the surface praised poverty and promoted simplicity. According to the Jewish-Spanish Encyclopaedia:

The Waldenses, a sect which arose in 1170 in Lyons under the leadership of Peter Waldo, represent that aspect of the Jewish movement which also later the protestants Huss, Münzer, Zwingli and other reformers of later centuries made use of. This heresy took on a considerable extent and stretched from Lyons and Provence up to Lorraine and south Belgium in the North and Hungary and Moravia in the East. It is certainly not by chance that it arose in Lyons, as also the sect of the Passagii in Milan, since the two cities were great centres of Jewish life and influence.

● According to Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movement by Rabbi Louis Newman:

It is not only evident that a personal relationship existed between the Jews in Provence and the Waldenses in the 13th century, but in the 15th century also the Hussites were frequently in contact with the Jews, and the Hussites and Waldenses were directly and indirectly connected with one another. During the 16th century, before and after the Reformation, the personal relations between Jews and Waldenses became strong… And as late as the 19th century we find the Waldenses and Jews associated, not in intellectual relations, but in governmental ones. Thus, on 13th September 1849, in Italy, a ministerial committee was founded which was to regulate anew the special government of Waldenses and Jews.

● John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, was also a crypto-Jew.

● Meanwhile, during the 15th century, crypto-Jewry introduced heresies into the Russian Orthodox Church. The Jews were well-established in Ukraine and had previously converted to Greek and Russian Orthodox.

● Although satanic cults date back to the Cabbala and initially spread through Gnostic sects, they also spread in the 12th century. According to Eliphas Levi:

The Jews who believed most of all in the secrets of the “Cabbala” were in the Middle Ages almost exclusively the grand masters of magic.

● Monsignor Meurin quotes Leo Taxil and the Cabbalist handbook of Brother Constant, 30th Grade of Freemasonry:

This report confirms the opinion of almost all authors who have dealt with this devilish magic, that all branches and practices of sorcery have their origin in the Jewish Cabbala.

● Since Jews were permitted to live in some Christian societies, church councils declared as a rule that Jews had to wear a sign on their clothing and live separately from Christians to prevent or mitigate the spreading of corruption and error. This is the context in which these rules were first declared.

● However, this did not prevent Jews from converting since the Church is meant to be open to all. Thus, crypto-Jewry continued to survive. To counter a secret organization, the Church had to respond by forming the Inquisition, their own secret organization.

● However, the Jews infiltrated the Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits and even the Inquisition just as they had previously infiltrated the Templar Order.

● Roth writes of a particular Jew named Antonio D’Avelar who was part of a group in Coimbra, Portugal. This one example already shows the depth of the infiltration.

His two sons and four daughters (three of them were nuns) were put on trial, because they adhered to Judaism… The scandal had a wide echo. On 30th April 1629, the Portuguese courts turned to Philip III and instructed him that, at recent burnings of heretics carried out by them, besides three monks and various Jesuits, three abbots from Coimbra had also been involved. A further six—all of whom had been appointed by the Pope—were in prison.

● Freemasonic sources reveal a “Jesuitical rite” in the mid-18th century suggesting that there was already by then an organized effort to infiltrate and control the Jesuit order. There is also a connection to the Templar rite which is significant as both the Jesuit and Templar orders existed to defend the Church, and it makes strategic sense to attack such orders.

● Nazi Germany overstepped when, like crypto-Jewry, it assumed their race to be inherently superior. They unjustly invaded other nations instead of forming alliances against “Jewish Imperialism”. Nor did they defend Christianity. In short, Nazi Germany pursued its own selfish imperialism of race hatred.

● The cycle throughout history can be simplistically described as the following:

  • crypto-Jewish conspiracy is detected, Church and civil authority react with severity;

  • Jewish “conversion” with apparent compliance and/or going deeper underground, depending on the requirements or the choices offered;

  • the past is forgotten, Church and civil policy become lax;

  • Jewish power increases and they (attempt to) execute their revolution.

● The history of the Church as written between the 1st century and 15th century is drastically different to what is written in the modern era. Whilst it is natural for accounts to differ across time and place, it is suspicious that the former contains accounts of Jewish influence on the Church and society whereas the latter does not.

● The above points to Jewish infiltration into the Church, including its seminaries. References to Jewish influence in the Church are not only recorded in history books but also in the liturgy. At the time, the author(s) suspected that freemasonic infiltrators into the priesthood intended to “reform” the liturgy in the upcoming Vatican II council, amongst other practices. [The rest, as the saying goes, is history.]


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