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The book is organized into four parts. Due to the overall length of the book and to keep these articles short, this review is also divided into four parts.
Below are some key points and excerpts from Part 2: “The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry” which contains 6 short chapters. This is not intended to be a summary.
● The author(s) begins by reminding the readers that popes in the past have condemned freemasonry beginning with Clement XII in “In eminenti” in 1738.
● A long excerpt is provided from Leo XIII’s famous encyclical “Humanum Genus”. Ultimately, the aim of freemasonry is
[t]o destroy to their foundations every religious and civic order that has been erected by Christianity, and after their own manner to erect a new order with foundations and laws, which they took from the essence of Naturalism…
● Freemasonry contains many Jewish elements.
● From Clarification of Freemasonry by Monsignor Leon Meurin, SJ, Archbishop of Port Louis, regarding freemasonry in the USA:
The First Highest Masonic Council was, as we have already said, formed on 31st May 1801 in Charleston, 33 degrees northern latitude, under the chairmanship of the Jew Isaac Long, who was made inspector general by the Jew Moses Cohen, and who had received his degree from Hyes, from Franken, and the Jew Morin. [Pablo Rosen, 1947]
● According to Rabbi Benamozegh in 1914:
Those who wish to make the effort to examine the questions of relations between Jewry and philosophic Freemasonry, between Theosophy and the secret doctrines in general, will lose a little of their arrogant despisal of the Cabbala (Jewish Mysticism). They will cease to smile contemptuously at the idea that the “Cabbalistic” theology perhaps has to fulfil a mission in the religious re-shaping of the future.
● From The Secret of Freemasonry by Cardinal Jose Maria Caro y Rodriguez, Archbishop of Santiago and Primate of Chile:
The Freemasonic rite clearly betrays its Jewish origin: the symbols, which begin with the Bible itself; the coat of arms upon which an attempt is made to explain the different forms of the Cherubim described by Ezekiel in his second poem, an ox, a man, a lion and an eagle; the two pillars of the Freemasonic temple in remembrance of the temple of Solomon; the rebuilding of the temple which is the work of the Freemasons, etc. The reading matter and the handbooks, which in greater part are taken from the Bible, they turn almost always towards Freemasonic taste, especially the legend of Hiram, which plays an important role in the Freemasonic rite.
Finally the facts, the rule of terror, the outbreak of Satanic hatred against the Church, against our Lord Jesus Christ, the terrible blasphemies against God that the revolutionary Freemasons perpetrated in France, are nothing more than the expression and the fulfilment of the Cabbalistic and secret sects, which already for several centuries have fought secretly against Christianity. What the Jewish Bolshevists to greatest part do in Russia against Christianity, is only another edition of the deeds of the Freemasons in the French revolution. The executioners are others; however the doctrine that motivates and empowers them and the supreme leadership are the same.
● Apart from the rites and symbolism, freemasonry had a certain respect for Jews. For example, according to The Secret of Freemasonry by Cardinal Jose Maria Caro y Rodriguez:
In Freemasonry a great and quite special respect is always shown for the Jews. If there is talk of superstition, the Jewish religion is never mentioned. Upon outbreak of the French revolution, French citizenship was urgently demanded for the Jews. Although it was rejected on the first occasion, it was expressly urged that it be granted, and it was allowed. The reader will recall that in those days the Catholics were persecuted to death. When the “Commune” ruled in Paris and it was necessary to protect the cash of the bank of France against plundering, no one threatened the Jewish banks. (La Franc. Mas. Secte Juive 60.)
● From the Jewish Encyclopaedia:
Since the [French] revolution, the Jews have most of all appeared in connection with Freemasonry.
● Jews dominate the higher positions of freemasonic lodges and communist organizations. Two examples are reproduced below.
2.) The Red International or international association of Social Democratic workers. This comprises: a) The Second International (that of Belgium, Jew Vandervelde). b) The International No. 21/2 (that of Vienna, Jew Adler). c) The Third International or Communist International (that of Moscow, the Jews Apfelbaum and Radek). This hydra, with three heads, which works separately for better effect, has at its disposal the “Profintern” (International bureau of professional associations), which has its seat in Amsterdam and which dictates the Jewish word to the Syndicates that have still not been incorporated into Bolshevism.
3.) The Black International or combat organisation of Jewry. The chief roles in it are played by: the world organisation of Zionists (London); the Israelite world league, which was founded in Paris by the Jew Cremieux; the Jewish order of the B’nai-Moiche (Sons of Moses) and the Jewish societies “Henoloustz”, “Hitakhdoute”, “Tarbout”, “Karen- Haessode”…
● Freemasonic rites teach “cruelty in theory and practice” in the name of vengeance for the (fictional) death of Hiram Abiff and the death of Knights Templar Grandmaster Jacques de Molay. Whatever the truth is regarding the latter, his death is used as an excuse to exact vengeance against the Papacy and the Catholic Church.
● Freemasonry was behind the French Revolution during which plunder and mass executions were the norm, including the execution of the Catholic monarchs. To quote merely one example of Jewish involvement:
In order to direct the revolutionary movement in France, the so-called newspaper L’Humanité was founded. For this purpose a subscription was opened, which brought in the sum of 780,000 Francs. Let us mention the names of the twelve contributors who “by chance” were all Jews: Levy Brul, Levy Bram, A. Dreyfus, L. Dreyfus, Eli Rodriquez, Leon Picard, Blum, Rouff, Kasevitz, Salmon Reinach and Sachs.
● Even before the French Revolution, Jews worked against the Catholic Church.
Already in the year 1648 the great revolutionary leader Cromwell was supported by the Jews; a deputation, which came from remotest Asia and was led by the Rabbi Jakob ben Azabel, appeared before the English dictator. The results of the conversations which took place were not long in coming and “Cromwell used his entire power in order to abolish the laws that placed restrictions upon the Jews in England.” [L. Halevy] One of the closest collaborators of Cromwell was the Rabbi of Amsterdam, Manasse ben Israel. [R. Lamberlin]
● The League of Nations is also a freemasonic creation and along with the so-called left aims to wear down “national feeling and sovereignty” to bring about an “international super-government”; in other words, a one-world government.
● Freemasonry promotes the humanist idea of “freedom of conscience” which is a deliberately vague way of divorcing oneself from objective morality and truth. The author(s) do not explain this way but this is essentially the problem.
● Modern Jewry spread communism. From the Vienna Jewish paper Der Hammer regarding the Beylis Affair in which Beylis, a Jew, was accused of ritual murder in Kiev in 1911. Whilst the below could be read as an idle threat at the time, what happened a few years later in Russia is undeniable.
The Russian government had resolved to declare war on the Jews of Kiev. Now, they must know that, upon this war, the fate, not of the Jews, for the Jewish people is unconquerable, but of the Russian people depends. For the Russian government it is a question of life and death. Its victory in this affair will be the beginning of its collapse. May the Russian rulers exercise caution! We will provide proof to the whole world that one cannot meddle unpunished with the Jews, whether the latter are of Kiev or any other place.
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