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The Plot against the Church by Maurice Pinay – Part 1 of 4

Simian Practicalist

The Plot against the Church, according to the author(s), took more than fourteen months to write. It was first published in Rome around August 1962, about two months before the opening of the Vatican II council.

(Omnia Veritas cover)
(Omnia Veritas cover)

The book was written in response to what the author(s) knew at the time the intended infiltration of the upcoming Vatican II council by “Jewish, Freemasonic and Communist plotters”.

The author(s) apparently understood the sensitivities regarding the subject and that such a charge demands explanation. As such, the text is long and is in essence a history book since this conspiracy is the latest of a string of conspiracies or the latest iteration of the overarching conspiracy against the Church and the world.

Maurice Pinay is a pseudonym. The “talk” amongst Catholics who were alive during the 1960s and 70s was that Pinay was Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani (b. 29 October 1890 – d. 3 August 1979) and his allies. This is admittedly anecdotal and this reviewer has no way to verify this except to state that this is plausible since Ottaviani was known to be what one might describe as a traditionalist and in a position to see the threats against the Church hierarchy.

It has also been said that this publication was first quietly distributed to the clergy to warn them of the imminent threat.

The author(s) is apparently well-read, referencing many sources, with emphasis on Jewish sources. Given the scope, one could consider the text to be relatively short since it is difficult to cover centuries of history in a single volume. Nonetheless, it is not short in absolute terms. The author(s) tries to be as concise as possible but many specific examples are given to support the general points.

In my opinion, judging by the breadth and depth of knowledge and style, it is most likely written by Catholic clergy and, given the length, with the involvement of more than one person.

The book is organized into four parts and the main text spans over 600 pages with the bibliography and appendix at around another 35 pages, depending on the edition. Part 4 makes up the bulk, about two-thirds, of the text.

  • Part 1: “The Secret Driving Force of Communism”

  • Part 2: “The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry”

  • Part 3: “The Synagogue of Satan”

  • Part 4: “The Jewish Fifth Column in the Clergy”

The author(s) takes the approach of first appealing to what the readers already know before going deeper. This applies to the whole book and to each part.

Part 1 is a brief look at communism, which is recent and apparent. Part 2 then digs a little deeper. Although freemasonry is mostly hidden, much about it has been documented and its effects are not hidden; for example, the French Revolution.

Part 3 and Part 4 examine the history starting from the time of Christ, citing examples from Scripture, before proceeding through the centuries. The history discussed is not secret but since it is not recent or obvious like communism, the details are often overlooked.

Due to the overall length of the book and to keep these articles short, this review is also divided into four parts.

Below are some key points and excerpts from Part 1: “The Secret Driving Force of Communism” which contains 5 short chapters. This is not intended to be a summary.

● The ultimate aim of communism “seeks to banish Christianity for the purpose of causing it to vanish from the face of the earth”.

● It is clear that in Russia and other countries, communism enslaves the people in every sense. The minority rules by terror and violence. Torture and extermination are the norm. Examples of “bloodbaths” include Hungary, Poland, East Germany and China.

● Communism was created and directed by modern Jewry. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are in essence a list of Jews who created or headed communism and the names go beyond the likes of Karl Heinrich Marx, Friedrich Engels, Karl Kautski and Ferdinand Lassalle.

● Included are names of government officials in Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia. In short, 80% to 90% of key positions in Moscow and Soviet republics were occupied by Jews—likewise in other communist countries where Jews, although the minority, hold a disproportionate number of high positions. (More lists are provided in the appendix.)

● Jewish money was used to fund communism. This included Jakob Schiff, amongst others.

● In a well-known letter discovered in 1888 that Baruch Levy sent to Karl Marx:

The Jewish people as a whole is its own Messiah. Its kingdom over the universe is obtained through the uniting of the other human races, through the suppression of frontiers and of monarchies, which are bulwarks for particularism and hinder the erection of a world republic where citizenship is everywhere recognised to the Jew. In this new organisation of mankind, the sons of Israel, who at present are scattered over the entire earth surface, will all be of the same race and of the same traditional culture, without, however, forming another nationality, and will be without contradiction the leading element in all parts, particularly if it is successful in laying upon the masses of workers a permanent leadership by some Jews. The governments of peoples all pass with the formation of the universal republic effortlessly into the hands of the Israelites in favour of the victory of the proletariat. Then the personal property of the rulers will be able to be suppressed by the rulers of the Jewish race who will everywhere govern over the property of the Peoples. Then the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that when the time of the Messiah has come, the Jews will have the goods of all peoples of the world in their possession.

● One can see from the above how Jews strive for financial domination as well as supporting communism as one of the tactics of “economic accumulation”.

● Anticipating the charge of “racial discrimination” against the Jews, the author(s) point out the following:

At the present time one sees in our civilised world the admission of racial discrimination as the greatest sin into which man could fall. It is alleged to be a fault that leaves behind an eternal and ugly world of barbarity and animal nature, always presupposing that the Jewish people does not in practice commit this fault. Thanks to Jewish propaganda, which is controlled almost exclusively in the world by the Israelites (cinema, radio, press, television, publishing, etc.), anti-Semitism is the most disgraceful of all racial manifestations; for the Jews have made out of anti-Semitism a truly destructive weapon, which serves to nullify the efforts of countless persons and organisations who have clearly recognised who the real head of Communism is, in spite of the camouflage and cunning that this race uses to conceal its true activity.

● As the author(s) point out, whilst so-called racial discrimination is wrong, it is the Jews who adopt that mentality:

…the Jews were and are at present the most fanatical representatives of racial discrimination, which they base on ideas from the Talmud, because they proceed from the principle that the non-Jew is not even a human being.

● Chapter 5: “Jewish Testimony” includes what the author(s) call “weak moments” in which “they [Jews] have been induced either through optimism or excessive jubilation in the studying of their successes”. In other words, they bragged about it.

● Below is one example from Jewish writer Alfred Nossig in his book Integrales Judentum (“Integral Jews”):

From the examination of the facts of the case it is revealed in a completely irrefutable manner that the modern Jews have cooperated in a decisive way and manner in the creation of Socialism; their own fathers were already the founders of the Mosaic Law. The seed of the Mosaic Law took effect over the centuries upon doctrine and command, in conscious manner for the one and unconsciously for the other. The modern Socialist movement is for the great majority a work of the Jews; the Jews gave it the stamp of their understanding; it was also Jews who had a striking share in the leadership of the first Socialist republics. In spite of this, the enormous majority of Jewish Socialist leaders were divorced from the Mosaic Law; for in an unconscious manner there took effect within them the racial principle of the Mosaic Law, and the race of the old apostolic peoples lived in their brain and in their social character. Present world socialism forms the first State in fulfilment of the Mosaic Law, the beginning of the realisation of the future World State, which was announced by the prophets.

● It should be noted that Part 1 has in the past been reproduced as a standalone work under the title The Secret Driving Force of Communism with perhaps some rearrangement in the chapters but is otherwise the same material.


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