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The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

Very Average Joe

The Case for Faith, first published in 2000, is Lee Strobel’s investigation of what he considers to be the “big eight” objections to Christianity. Similar to The Case for Christ, the text is basically the interviews and discussion of experts.

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

As expected from a former legal journalist, the author’s approach to each “objection” is rational whilst avoiding the technical aspects of the arguments, thereby keeping the text easily accessible. Perhaps more importantly, he does not ignore the emotional aspects of the argument. In this respect, the book may more suitable for someone looking for a highly generalized, non-technical, contemporary “entry-point” text into Christian apologetics.

For those who are familiar with the subject, there will unlikely be anything new but, like The Case for Christ, it is interesting to see the discussion from the perspective of an atheist-turned-Christian.

Objection #1: Since Evil and Suffering Exist, a Loving God Cannot – Dr Peter John Kreeft discusses this from several directions, including the existence of a universal moral standard, the fact that we humans have free will and the nature of God. For those who have studied Christian philosophy, this chapter may not reveal anything new.

Objection #2: Since Miracles Contradict Science, They Cannot Be True – Dr William Lane Craig talks about the definition of miracles and the historical evidence that supports the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He also discusses the complexity of the universe, and how the odds of this universe began in such a way that can support life all by itself is astronomically low.

Objection #3: Evolutions Explains Life, so God Isn’t Needed – This is a fitting follow-up to the previous chapter with Dr Walter L. Bradley, an engineer and expert in polymers and thermodynamics which are crucial in the debate of creation versus evolution. Bradley discusses the complexity in the assembly of proteins, amino acids, isomers and peptides. For those who enjoy studying the natural sciences, this chapter may make an interesting read.

Objection #4: God Isn’t Worthy of Worship if He Kills Innocent Children – Norman L. Geisler discusses the killing of people by God as told in the Old Testament and how this could be justified. Geisler’s explanations consider each situation in a historical as well as theological context. This chapter also discusses the origin of the universe as mentioned in previous chapters as well as archeological evidence, miracles and prophecies.

Objection #5: It’s Offensive to Claim Jesus Is the Only Way to God – Ravi Zacharias discusses the exclusive nature of Christianity and other religions. He also talks about the idea of origin, meaning, morality, destiny, and Christianity’s consistency in those matters.

Objection #6: A Loving God Would Never Torture People in Hell – For most, the idea of Hell is disturbing and some struggle to believe in a god that created Hell. Strobel’s questions include “How Can Hell Exist Alongside of Heaven?” and “Why Doesn’t God Just Snuff People Out?” Dr J.P. Moreland deals with these questions and discusses the nature of Hell, the reason for it in light of our value and purpose of our existence.

Objection #7: Church History Is Littered with Oppression and Violence – This is an issue for many as they see Christianity as hypocritical. This is probably the weakest chapter in the book, partly because history is complicated and not enough pages are dedicated to discussing some of these complexities. Dr John D. Woodbridge does make some important distinctions between the teachings of a religion and the actions taken in the name of that religion. He even reveals some interesting information but, overall, there is a lot of history about the Crusades and Inquisition not discussed.

Objection #8: I Still Have Doubts, so I Can’t Be a Christian – For many Christians and non-Christians, struggling with doubt on one level or another is part of life. Dr Lynn Anderson talks about his own faith journey, what faith is and isn’t and how one can have faith whilst experiencing doubt. This topic is not so much about arguments for or against but rather about the human experience.


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