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Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin

Simian Practicalist

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin, first published in 2015, reveals and discusses the general aims of the psychological warfare that has been waged on the population.

The main text is organized into seven (7) chapters, spanning approximately 230 pages There is an introduction and an alphabetical index. Citations are presented as endnotes at the end of each chapter.

Estulin begins by covering some background regarding psychological warfare in general dating back to WWII and its aftermath, including its connections to CIA’s mind-control program MKUltra, freemasonry and the occult, and Rockefeller funding.

The author also mentions the occult symbolism connected to the JFK assassination, which is a ritual murder referred to as “the killing of the King”. The CIA initiated the countercultural movement by flooding the American youth of the 1960s with LSD and other drugs. Combined with rock music, control of the media and literature, the Vietnam War and the anti-war movement, the psychological war to demoralize the population was effectively waged.

A chapter is dedicated to Television. Whilst watching it, the user’s right hemisphere of the brain is twice as active as the left. There is also a release of beta-endorphins and enkephalins (which are natural opiates), making the television a “high-tech drug delivery system”.

The author discusses its use in mass brainwashing and promoting the fascist concept of man, the opposite of the Christian view of man being made in the image of God, capable of (moral) reasoning. It is also used to “regulate” society as part of the psychological warfare against the masses; that is, promote psychological distress, contradictory news, “frequent vacillations” between disciplinary measures and rewards in order confuse and demoralizing the population. [The same tactic is utilized in this plandemic.] Other specifics, such as advertising, are discussed.

The last two chapters are dedicated to Cybernetics and Science Fiction respectively. Cybernetics takes a reductionist view of man, that the brain is merely a complicated machine. (The author does not use the term “reductionism” but that is essentially what it is.) Therefore, it can be manipulated and perhaps controlled, with obvious connections to eugenics and transhumanism. Not surprisingly, the entertainment industry promotes the idea that robots are sentient beings in sci-fi films.

The author contends that “science fiction”, starting with H.G. Wells’s stories, was originally and still is used to promote the idea that man is insignificant, and that technology and progress are dangerous (and therefore to be avoided). This is consistent to the aim of “zero-growth society”. It is also used to advance so-called UFOs and aliens for the purposes of promoting political unification (one-world government) and the like. In my opinion, there is more to sci-fi than what the author states but his point is valid.

Overall, it is a short and easy read. I think it would be helpful to have more substance when covering the history but that admittedly may be difficult given the secretive nature of the parties involved. There are also a few typographic errors but the layout is nice enough. Despite being a little simplistic at times, it is still a decent book that, at minimum, communicates the concept.


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