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Sydney Protests against Lockdown

Simian Practicalist

Looks like the people of Sydney aren’t too happy about the lockdown. There have been approximately 1,600 cases in the past two weeks.

Not surprisingly, the protests have invited hit pieces from lamestream media. Take the following as an example from the Sydney Morning Herald titled “Revealed: the fringe groups where Sydney’s lockdown protest began” published on 25 July 2021.

Note the use of “fringe groups” in the title, the writers already implying these people are just “conspiracy theorists” and downplaying the protests as “just a few crazies”. Yeah, it was just a few thousand people.

And lest they be accused of lying, they slipped in the word “began” to ambiguously admit that the fringe groups started it even if everyone who joined in are not part of the group. Despite that wording, the tone does not make that distinction so the wholesale labelling of the protest and protestors still applies. I could dissect every paragraph but a few bits will do.

The organisation of an anti-lockdown protest that turned violent in Sydney on Saturday began in fringe online communities teeming with COVID-19 conspiracy theories, anti-Semitism and debunked views on vaccines.

When in doubt, whip out the “anti-Semitism” card in the first paragraph. And by the way, which “debunked views on vaccines” would that be? You mean the official figures that tell us they are dangerous?

“What took us by surprise and what disappoints me so greatly is the level of violence that people were prepared to use. That was unprecedented. That’s not Sydney,” NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon said on Sunday.

The police deputy commissioner is entitled to his view and I do sympathize with the half-honest copper who has to do his/her job but that is beside the point. This is strategically placed near the opening of the article, not right at the start but close enough. By quoting a law enforcement officer that the violence was a “surprise” and “unprecedented” contributes to the attack.

…and two men, aged 33 and 36, were arrested and charged overnight for striking a police horse.

I like animals too and I don’t agree with striking horses, but do we really have to resort to “striking a police horse” to elicit disgust or some other similar emotional response against the protests and protestors?

Popular anti-vaxxer organisations and figures were among the pages then spreading the message to a larger audience.

Ah yes, bring in the anti-vaxxers. Let’s not make the distinction between those who are against most/all vaccines, with or without good reason, and those who are skeptical of just the COVID vaccines.

Administrators of the channels also have links to far-right groups and figures such as the Proud Boys and Avi Yemini.

Again, bring in any reference associated with racism. (Whether there is or not is beside the point.)

Inside the groups, users have shared a vast amount of conspiracy theories about global warming, the mainstream media, vaccines, QAnon, Freemasons as well as anti-Semitic material.

And again, mention anything that the reader may associate with “conspiracy theories”. The article then goes on for a bit but, of course, it has to finish off with an insult and a declaration, even if it comes from the treasurer. Err… right. Can’t get an insult from the health minister instead?

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg described the protests in Melbourne and Sydney as “stupidity writ-large”.
“Those protesters should be condemned, for not just breaking the health orders and therefore breaking the law, but for putting in danger their fellow Australians,” he said.
“Those protests have no place in the middle of this crisis, in the middle of this pandemic.”

Strictly speaking, I am not sure if breaking the health orders is actually “breaking the law”. Like almost everything in the legal world, it may be arguable. But my point is not arguing facts. Half the article is arguably factual but it’s the ambiguity and the tone that does the damage, albeit quite sloppily.

On a different but related note: despite the protests, the Australian population’s ability to effectively defend itself is potentially much lower than Americans since the gun control laws are stricter than in the US. As an Aussie friend pointed out: “Johnny took our guns away.”

This is in reference to the gun control laws passed after the false flag event known as the “Port Arthur massacre” in April 1996. At the time, the Prime Minister was John Howard. It should be noted that “false flag” is a maritime term referring to ships that misrepresent themselves by using the wrong flags. Therefore, a false flag event can be anything from completely staged with no victims to real but with a highly controlled narrative.

In this case, there were/are real victims. The shooter was supposedly Martin Bryant who is left-handed, never had military training, assessed to have an IQ of 66 and a bit of a loner. He is currently in prison, serving multiple life sentences without the possibility of parole. Some witnesses recalled a right-handed shooter who looked different to Bryant. On the day, the shooter fired 64 shots within minutes resulting in 35 dead and 22 or 23 injured. Of the first 20 killed, 19 died from single headshots. In my opinion, John Wick is a more credible suspect.

Am I implying that the plandemic is a form of attempted genocide? That depends on the definition, which is another discussion. Either way, those who think I am some gun nut who is linking gun control laws to something like genocide: no, I’m not a gun nut and I am hardly the first person to make that link.

I recommend one check out the genocide chart at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). It is admittedly simplistic and incomplete but serves as a quick history lesson as the chart lists the governments that have blown away a few civilians after adding some gun control laws.

So if one disagrees with the JPFO’s stance against excessive gun control, one may be seen as pro-genocide and anti-Semitic. You see, I can muddle issues and play the racism card too. Or we drop that crap, open our eyes and use our brains.

Oh wait, that’s too hard. Forget it. When’s the NFL season starting?


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