A pre-print study posted on 30 December 2022 titled “COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function” by J.A. Thorp et al found that COVID-19 vaccines are much worse for women’s reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes compared to influenza vaccines.
The study analyzes the VAERS database. From “Method”:
A retrospective analysis of the AE reports post-COVID-19 vaccines and post-Influenza vaccines in the VAERS database is performed for events reported between 1 January 1998 and 30 June 2022. Influenza vaccines were chosen as the control group because the CDC first approved Influenza vaccines for pregnant women in 1997. Reports in VAERS after 1 January 1998 would count AE due to on-label use of the vaccines. The end of the study period is 30 June 2022. This provides 282 months of data for the Influenza vaccine and 18 months of data for the COVID-19 vaccines.
One of the weaknesses of the study is the number of influenza vaccines administered required a simulation to estimate due to inconsistent tracking over the years. COVID-19 vaccine administration, however, has been closely tracked. The other weakness is that VAERS is infamous for its underreporting which may not be equal for the two vaccines.
Nonetheless, the comparisons are alarming, even to those who have been following the topic. Figure 1 and Figure 2 are reproduced below. Note the use of logarithmic scale.
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