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Study: Excess Mortality in 2022 for Japan and Germany

Simian Practicalist

A study published on 14 March 2023 titled “Annual All-Cause Mortality Rate in Germany and Japan (2005 to 2022) With Focus on The Covid-19 Pandemic: Hypotheses And Trend Analyses” by Hagen Scherb and K. Hayashi found that there was no excess mortality in 2020 in both Germany and Japan.

There was, however, significant excess mortality in 2022 for both countries.

In Japan, we see a significantly elevated mortality in the earthquake and tsunami era from 2011 to 2013, and no other significant mortality overshot before and including 2021. The all-cause mortality in 2020 lies below, and in 2021 it falls within the expected limits of the annual random fluctuations in the mortality trend from 2005-2019, see Figure 1. This indicates neither a classical pandemic characterized by an unusually high mortality, nor does it imply personal mass injuries because of the Corona measures in Japan in 2020 and 2021. However, in 2022 the death rate is extremely elevated by 8.37% (6.74, 9.97), which is more than twice the average excess in the earthquake and tsunami years in Japan. This effect in Japan in 2022 warrants thorough investigation and clarification.
Figure 1: Annual leap year-corrected total deaths in Japan per 1000 total population.
Figure 1: Annual leap year-corrected total deaths in Japan per 1000 total population.

As for Germany, it is different as the deviation is less.

Notably, the significant excess in all-cause mortality in Germany in 2020 and 2021 of 3.45% is not evenly distributed in the years 2020 and 2021. In 2020, a year with no COVID-19 mass vaccinations, the excess mortality amounts to 1.89 (-1.02, 4.73) percent of the expectation, p-value 0.2007. This excess in 2020 is less than half the excess mortality percentage under the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in 2021 of 4.99 (2.04, 7.85) percent, p-value 0.0010.
Figure 2: Annual leap year-corrected total deaths in Germany per 1000 total population.
Figure 2: Annual leap year-corrected total deaths in Germany per 1000 total population.

The authors conclude by mentioning what everyone who is not totally brainwashed has been thinking:

In conclusion, the official fear-mongering forecasts and the allegedly confirmed high death toll in 2020 from Covid-19 in high income countries did not come true, neither in Japan nor in Germany. … Therefore, it should be investigated to what extent the … increased mortalities in Germany and Japan in 2021 and 2022 might be due to the pandemic counter measures, including the vaccinations with their possibly underestimated immediate or protracted side effects. In a study from the Maltese Mater Dei Hospital, the vaccination rate in the population was positively correlated with the frequency of emergency admissions over time. From this point of view, it seems possible that a high vaccination rate has contributed to an increased all-cause mortality in some countries. …

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