The Final Report of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been released. Rah!
The document is 557 pages long. Rah!
The table of contents itself is 11 pages. Rah!!!
It’s a lot to go through. But then again, if you are/have been a “conspiracy theorist” half-following what has been going on, then you probably won’t need to.
In short, the words “I told you so” don’t quite cover it.
The one major disagreement I have with the report is that despite admitting the lack of science behind vaccine mandates, questioning the vaccine approval process, and briefly addressing excess mortality (without necessarily directly attributing it to the vaccine), it still considers Operation Warp Speed a success.
The report is organized into 7 sections, each with numbered sub-sections. Excerpts of emails and interview transcriptions are presented as part of the report. Whilst headings and sub-headings mostly speak for themselves, helpful summarizing sentences presented as a “Finding” in a green box are littered throughout. The occasional timeline is also helpful.
Below are selected “Findings” (dots points) under the corresponding section (headings in bold).
The Origins of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Including but Not Limited to the Federal Government’s Funding of Gain-of-Function Research
SARS-CoV-2, the Virus that Causes COVID-19, Likely Emerged Because of a Laboratory or Research Related Accident.
“The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” Was “Prompted” by Dr. Anthony Fauci to “Disprove” the Lab Leak Theory.
EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. Facilitated Gain-of-Function Research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. Failed to Timely Report a Dangerous Experiment to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
To Get a Grant Reinstated, EcoHealth Alliance, Inc Misled the U.S. National Institutes of Health Regarding the Physical Location of U.S. Funded Samples.
Dr. Anthony Fauci Played Semantics with the Definition of Gain-of-Function Research.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Granted U.S. Taxpayer Funds to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
The Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Transparency of the Use of Taxpayer Funds and Relief Programs to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic, Including Any Reports of Waste, Fraud, or Abuse
The Paycheck Protection Program Was Rife with Fraudulent Claims Resulting in at Least $64 Billion of Taxpayers’ Dollars Lost to Fraudsters and Criminals.
Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Payments Total More Than $191 Billion.
Lackluster Oversight Resulted in Transnational Criminal Organizations and Fraudsters Stealing U.S. Taxpayer Money from Pandemic Relief Funds.
Domestic and International Fraudsters that Stole from Pandemic Relief Programs were also Connected to Other Organized Crimes.
The Implementation or Effectiveness of Any Federal Law or Regulation Applied, Enacted, or Under Consideration to Address the Coronavirus Pandemic and Prepare for Future Pandemics
The World Health Organization’s Report Regarding the Origins of COVID-19 Was Incomplete, Misleading, and Parroted Chinese Communist Party Propaganda.
The World Health Organization’s Draft “Pandemic Treaty” Does Not Solve the Organization’s Underlying Problems and May Affirmatively Harm the United States.
Dating Back to the Obama Administration, the Strategic National Stockpile Was Not Prepared for a National Public Health Emergency.
The United States Must Reduce Its Reliance on Other Countries, Particularly China, for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies.
There Was No Quantitative Scientific Support for Six Feet of Social Distancing.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Relied on Flawed Studies to Support the Issuance of Mask Mandates.
Forcibly Masking Young Children, Ages Two and Older, Caused More Harm than Good.
Enduring COVID-19 Lockdowns Disrupted the Development of American Children and Young Adults.
Despite Lacking Scientific Basis, Vaccine Passports Became a De Facto Lockdown for Unvaccinated Americans.
Career Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Undermined Trust in Public Health by Overpromising and Underdelivering Early Testing Kits, Including Knowingly Putting Tests with a High Failure Rate on the Market Without Appropriate Disclosures.
Public Health Officials Incorrectly Characterized the Lab-Leak Theory as a “Conspiracy Theory.”
The Biden Administration and Many Public Health Officials Exaggerated the Power of COVID-19 Vaccines.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Other Public Health Officials Falsely Implied that Ivermectin Was Only for Horses and Cows.
The Development of Vaccines and Treatments, and the Development and Implementation of Vaccination Policies for Federal Employees and Members of the Armed Forces
The Biden Administration Arbitrarily and Without Scientific Support Announced COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters Would be Available to All Americans.
The Biden Administration Sidelined Senior Scientists After They Expressed Concern Regarding the Rapid Pace of Review of Pfizer’s Biologics Approval Application.
The Biden Administration Accelerated the Approval of Pfizer’s Biologics Approval Application to Impose Vaccine Mandates.
Those Who Recovered From COVID-19 Were Conferred Infection Acquired Immunity.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Were Not Supported by Science.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Hampered U.S. Military Readiness.
The U.S. Government is Failing to Efficiently, Fairly, and Transparently Adjudicate Claims for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries.
The Economic Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic and Associated Government Response on Individuals, Communities, Small Businesses, Health Care Providers, States, and Local Government Entities
Business Closures Disproportionately Impacted Rural and Low-Income Areas and Have Led to Long-Term Changes in These Areas.
Pandemic Unemployment Disproportionately Impacted Sectors with Lower Wage Earners Compared to Higher Wage Earners, Such as Those in Professional Services, and Lower Wage Earners Continue to Remain Unemployed at Higher Rates and Will Likely Remain So Over the Next Decade.
The Federal Reserve Likely Exceeded Its Role and Responsibilities to Provide Market Liquidity and Acting as a “Lender of Last Resort” by Assuming the Role and Responsibilities of the Department of the Treasury by Acting as a Spender to Prevent Market Insolvency.
The Societal Impact of Decisions to Close Schools, How the Decisions Were Made and Whether There is Evidence of Widespread Learning Loss or Other Negative Effects as a Result of These Decisions
The American Federation of Teachers Did Not Support Reopening Schools and Predicated Its Support for Reopening Schools on Non-Scientific Policies.
Pandemic-era School Closures Adversely Impacted Academic Performance that Will Continue for Years.
School Closures Made an Already Alarming Trend in Declining Physical Health Worse.
Cooperation By the Executive Branch and Others with Congress, the Inspectors General, the Government Accountability Office, and Others in Connection with Oversight of the Preparedness for and Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Biden Administration’s U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Unreasonably and Possibly Illegally Limited Access to Key Witnesses.
EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. Doctored Documents It Released to the Public.
Dr. Peter Daszak Provided False Statements to Congress in Violation of 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 18 U.S.C. 1621.
Dr. David Morens Violated His Oath of Office and Assisted Dr. Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance, Inc Avoid Oversight.
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