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Remote Mind Control and Memory Modification?

Simian Practicalist

A thumbs up to Mongoose at Public Intelligence Blog ( for finding this lecture at West Point on Psycho-Neurobiology and War by Dr Charles Morgan.

Dr Charles Morgan is a Professor of National Security at the University of Newhaven. The lecture is just over 55 minutes long and took place in April 2018. At the time of viewing, there is no transcript or summary so we have taken the liberty of providing some general points below.

We are not associated with Dr Charles Morgan or the US military. The below are merely general points which are not transcribed verbatim. We mention this because of the implications; that brain-to-brain communication, motor control and memory modification are possible, and that all this may be facilitated by specifically engineered cells and/or nanites. Given the questions and discussions surrounding COVID-19 and the corresponding vaccines, it is not difficult to see the potential connection. The occasional comment by me is in square brackets [ ].

  • There is a distinction between mind and body.

  • In 2008, monkey brain signals used to control a robotic arm. In 2013, the same was achieved by a human (who happened to be quadriplegic).

  • The above requires electrodes on the surface of the brain. The subject needs to learn and the computer needs to be calibrated to the brain signals.

  • In 2008, monkey brain signals in the US used to run a robot in Japan.

  • In 2013, human brain-to-brain communication was achieved where one subject controlled the hand of another.

  • In 2013, one “encoder” rat solved a task and transmitted this cortical activity to a second “decoder” rat, the latter benefiting from the knowledge and experience of the first in solving the same problem. []

  • DARPA received permission to do 500 ops to do deep-brain electrodes implants.

  • The implications are human-to-human thought transference. Applications can include teaching languages or to operate a device. So far, there is a need for a learning trial and individuals may operate on different patterns, therefore two humans may need to train together without this being applicable to anyone else.

  • Dr Morgan briefly mentioned “biohacking” where groups operate without regulation. He cited Ce6 eyedrops as an example where the subject can see over 160 feet in the dark for several hours. This is more readily available than NOD.

  • Dr Morgan predicted that in 5 years’ time, the technology will be more refined, being able to activate more specific neurons.

  • CRISPR gene editing enables the programming of a gene to produce any sort of peptide. One application is designer drugs, the benefit is that “you won’t be losing half the drugs you take through your liver”. It can also be used to assassinate one particular person. Other applications include repairing genetic damage, and adding or augmenting abilities for soldiers.

  • [More pertinent to current events] Dr Morgan then ties gene editing back to the aforementioned brain-to-brain communication, that it is possible to design receptors that can be remotely activated and controlled.

  • Genes can already be used to encode and store information. 1g of DNA = 700 terabytes.

  • The challenge in the future is to merge quantum computing with DNA systems.

  • Can you erase and modify memory? “The short answer is Yes.” This is achieved by “washing” the hippocampus—which is crucial for short-term memory and transfer to long-term memory—thereby removing the memory. This was performed on mice that have learned a maze.

  • This can be facilitated with a cell designed to perform such a function.

  • Memory capabilities can be enhanced. Currently, there are studies on those with hypermnesia.

  • This has intelligence and security implications. A person can remember what they see without the use of recording devices. But memory erasure is far easier than enhancement.

  • In 2009, memories from a fruit fly were transferred to another using light.

  • Dr Morgan mentioned Elizabeth Loftus’s work, including “lost in the mall” experiment and false memory techniques such as isolation, verbal manipulation, photographic and video misinformation. [Without going into details, Loftus’s work re false memories has been criticized but that does not necessarily change the fundamental point that memories can be modified.]

  • Given current progress, memory implantation by use of chemicals and nanite reconstruction is possible in the near future.

  • French researchers have trained and sampled their knowledge while the mice were sleeping.

  • Linking human brains is possible; that is, in order to form a “hive” mind to solve problems.


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