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Pornsnub Deplatforms Popular Actress

Simian Practicalist

Montreal, QC – Pornsnub, which has over 10 million videos and had over 40 billion site visits last year, has permanently banned the popular Nikki Plow for inciting too much sex.

“Recently, Nikki has been uploading at least one video of herself every few hours,” said Pornsnub spokesperson Vanessa Laney. “A few short clips here and there is normal enough, but many of them are longer videos of over 30 minutes where she interacts with at least six men.”

Nikki, however, is puzzled. “I don’t think what I did was incitement or whatever the word is. I didn’t tell anyone to do anything. I just uploaded what I did. I figured people just watched this stuff in their rooms or the office. With tissues. I never thought they would do anything else with it or whatever…”

But Pornsnub was adamant. “Over the last four years, we have allowed the talented Nikki Plow to use our platform consistent with our own rules, and we had hardly any. But the current context with HD videos that take up a lot of space and woke perverts complaining is now fundamentally different, involving our platform to incite way too much sloppy eroticism.”


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