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Police Defends Arrest of Mother and Her Unborn Child

Simian Practicalist

Melbourne, FL – Police have defended the arrest of a 31-year-old pregnant woman last week for “incitement” after authorities flagged her Facebook post which allegedly encouraged people to protest against any possible lockdown.

The video of the arrest, recorded on a phone, has registered at least 5.6 million views on YouTube before it was taken down. It showed a squad armed with AR-15s accompany two officers threatening to kick down Zoe Winston’s door without explanation. “I thought the pizza delivery guy was playing a practical joke but then it got quite scary, cos he never seemed like the violent type,” said Mrs Winston.

At the time of the arrest, Mrs Winston claimed to have an ultrasound appointment within an hour while her husband insisted that their child cannot be arrested with her even if the warrant for his wife’s arrest was valid. However, the officer insisted that “your [their] unborn child is also being arrested”.

“We understand that an expectant mother may undergo hormonal changes and therefore may say or write things they don’t really mean,” said police spokesperson O’Brien yesterday, “but, in this case, we are holding the mother responsible for the thoughts of the unborn child.”

O’Brien then added, “We are willing to consider that Mrs Winston was reacting to any potential lockdown emotionally and that her child—you know what children are like—was actually the one having thoughts of incitement.”

When asked to clarify, since the Governor of Florida is refusing to implement lockdowns, O’Brien answered, “It is still incitement for other states that have lockdowns and we can’t have protests against any future lockdowns—I mean, they were arresting pregnant women in Melbourne, Australia, so we really can’t fall behind here in Melbourne, Florida.”


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