Pawns in the Game, written before 1955, is a brief look at the so-called World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.), its aims and some of the more significant episodes in modern history. The main text is just over 200 pages so it is a relatively quick, easy and informative read. Obviously, many details not discussed but enough are presented to paint a generally accurate picture.

Although there are some references and added explanations in the endnotes, the author provides minimal citations. Also, there is no index. Those who are familiar with the history will know what is written is generally true, but those who aren’t may find the lack of citations and bibliography unhelpful.
The book has an introduction and 18 chapters. They are listed below along with a few points. (These are not necessarily summary points.)
Introduction – The bankers funded Adam Weishaupt to “modernize” their plot of one world government which requires the abolition of all existing government, private property and religion. Weishaupt founded the Illuminati (in its modern form) in 1776. He infiltrated masonic lodges. Their methods include using monetary and sex bribery to control key figures, control of education for recruitment purposes, and control of the press. Albert Pike is another key figure. He reformed freemasonry. His plan required three world wars and three revolutions to usher in the so-called one world government.
Chapter 1: The World Revolutionary Movement (W.R.M.) – Mentions religion as a belief in God and the supernatural. Atheism and communists only belief in matter and therefore exclude God and the supernatural. The struggle is fundamentally a religious one. Mentions Karl Ritter and his connection to nazism and the promotion of Aryan domination. His plan included the subjugation of Europe by Germany, a financial policy where Germany was not subject to the bankers, the eradication of communism and the Jewish race. Both nazism and communism are tied to satanic Illuminati and freemasonry.
Chapter 2: The English Revolution, 1640–1649 – Mentions the very broad coverage of the term “Semitic” of which the Hebrews is only one group, as well as the religious and racial meanings of the term “Jewish”. The author briefly mentions the history of Jewish intrigue in Europe through the centuries, including the origin the Khazar “Jews” who were not Hebraic, but adopted the Jewish faith at the end of the 8th century. They were later conquered by the Varangians (Russians) and remained in the region.
John Calvin (Calvin being a variation of the Jewish surname Cohen) founded the heretical movement designed to undermine the Catholic Church. The plotters later brought Calvinism into England. King Charles I disagreed with the Jewish bankers and was subsequently captured and executed. Oliver Cromwell was financed by the Jewish bankers. A high-level timeline is presented from the execution of Charles I in 1649 to the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694.
Chapter 3: The French Revolution, 1789 – The author briefly mentions some history regarding the Rothchild family. He then outlines what is claimed to be a plan for W.R.M. read by Mayer Rothchild to twelve others in 1773. The plan includes the promotion and use of the following: liberalism, mob psychology, corruption of morals through the use of alcohol, drugs and vice in general, control of key figures, propaganda, financial panics, infiltration of freemasonry, war, amongst other things.
Weishaupt began to execute their plans, financed by the bankers. The French Revolution was carried with the use of key figures like Mirabeau, Moses Mendelssohn, Duc D’Orleans, Choderlos de Laclos, Cagliostro (Joseph Balsamo). The author also briefly explains the character assassination of Marie Antoinette; that is, the episode of the “Diamond Necklace”.
Chapter 4: The Downfall of Napoleon – The agents who helped carry the Reign of Terror, like Danton and Robespierre, were themselves later arrested and executed. To consolidate control, the Rothchild bankers funded the Napoleonic Wars. When Napoleon spoke against them, they, via their agents in key positions, sabotaged Napoleon’s communication and supply lines.
Chapter 5: The American Revolution – The Colonies issued their own money called the Colonial Script. The Bank of England tried to take over and gain control, hence the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The bankers financed the Colonial Wars, supplying the British forces. The author briefly mentions other episodes of bankers’ attempt at gaining control of the US.
Chapter 6: Monetary Manipulation – In 1873, the Rothchild bankers, via their agent Senator John Sherman, sponsored a bill to demonetize silver. Gaining control of money creation, the bankers subsequently caused financial panics, creating conditions of poverty.
Chapter 7: Events Preceding the Russian Revolution – Tsar Nicholas I, to help younger generations of Jews feel welcomed in Russian society, made it compulsory for Jewish children to attend public school. Alexander II emancipated the serfs in 1861. The Jews became the most educated in the land. The few W.R.M. leaders took advantage of this and assassinated Alexander II in 1881 after two failed attempts. In retaliation, the “May Laws” were passed which unjustly punished the entire Jewish population.
In 1904, the bankers repudiated their financial support of Russia but continued their support of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War. Later, the Rothchild bankers agreed to support the Russian government in return for better treatment of Jews. In short, W.R.M. leaders fomented war and “anti-Semitism” to further their plans.
The more orthodox Jews were concerned at these games which they knew would only lead to more persecution. For example, in response to Karl Ritter’s ideas, Theodore Herzl founded political zionism which was controlled by the bankers. The bankers continued to create conditions like labor disputes that lead to revolution, including resorting to false flag events like “Bloody Sunday”.
Chapter 8: The Russian Revolution, 1917 – The W.R.M., with freemasonic participation, assassinated multiple world leaders in the short period from late 1800s to the start of World War I. Discusses some aspects of the revolution and how Lenin came to power. The revolutionary elements sabotaged communications and food supply, even resorting to another false flag by using hidden machine guns on the crowd, then blame the police.
Chapter 9: Political Intrigue, 1914–1919 – The author recounts the story told to him by a contact: the “Glass Club” was set up in London, in August 1914. It was for officers on leave and other people of renown to visit and enjoy every luxury, including the many women who acted as hosts. Its purposes were espionage and blackmail. Coincidentally, the government soon resigned, including PM Asquith in 1916.
The author describes other intrigues including the bankers’ support of the Russian revolution and the political zionist movement during that time.
Chapter 10: The Treaty of Versailles – The German High Command requested an Armistice in order to deal with the internal communist revolutionary efforts, not because they were losing the war. The bankers financed Rosa Luxemburg’s revolutionary activities only to deliberately withdraw support once it started. This fomented anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany. Also, the goal was to allow Germany to retain power for the next war.
In short, World War I and the Treaty of Versailles were used to finally break up the empires, foment hatreds that would lead to World War II, and to gain support to establish a home for the Jews in Palestine so the W.R.M. leaders can have a centralized base from which to operate.
Chapter 11: Stalin – Briefly mentions some personal history of Stalin. In 1921, Stalin had announced that the next target for a communist revolution was Spain. Whilst Stalin was starving and killing his own people, the bankers manipulated markets and economic policies that undermined the West; for example, subsidized shipping for most countries except the UK, Canada and the US, as well as purchasing large amounts of grain such that the US could not find a market for their grain.
Chapter 12: The Spanish Revolution – Briefly discusses the events leading up to the Spanish Civil War. In 1873, the revolutionary elements brought about the First Spanish Republic. Since then, the working classes continued to suffer with the extremist parties resorting to violence and anarchy. Franco was one of two generals out of 23 who was not a freemason. Later, most of the generals refused to take orders from freemasonry. Communist propaganda continued consistently around the world. Pope Pius XI warned that all this was “directed from one common center”.
Chapter 13: The Civil War in Spain – The revolutionary program for Spain was to create republican government, carry out reprisals, disband the army and police, confiscation of property of religious orders, continue the liberalist communist propaganda, amongst other things. Contrary to mainstream history, Franco did initially try to co-operate with the government to restore order, but the communists eventually set fire to over 300 churches. Torture, rape and assassinations were the norm.
Chapter 14: Franco – Franco was a military career man and a good strategist. He even earned the respect of his on-field enemies. In 1936, he was ordered to the Canary Islands. He left as ordered and the communists continued their activities. At the assassination of Calve Sotelo, Franco returned and the Spanish Civil War begun.
The author also provides intercepted orders for the communist forces that proves they intended a full-scale revolution in 1936.
Chapter 15: The Revolutionary Reign of Terror – Like previous revolutions, the communist forced used prisoners and criminals for their purposes, and planted their agents in key positions. When war broke out, “nearly two-thirds” of officers were murdered by the communists in the initial attack. There were kill lists. Torture, gang-rape and murder of religious were the norm.
Chapter 16: Events Leading to World War Two – The W.R.M.’s long-range plans make use of both the so-called communist and fascist forces, including the destruction of the British Empire. Adolf Hitler initially wanted to ally with the UK. This failed because this was inconsistent to the plans of the “Nazi War Lords”. Mentions other intrigues regarding the bankers and Germany, as well as the potential origins of the document titled Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Chapter 17: World War Two – Hitler’s demands for Germany regarding the injustices of the Treaty of Versailles were qualified. He attempted to make peace with Britain, hence the Phony War and the halt order at Dunkirk. Winston Churchill took advantage of the situation regarding Poland to declare war. Later, the UK and US allied with the Soviets after the Nazi War Lords initiated the invasion into Russia.
Chapter 18: The Present Danger – The author’s concluding notes (at the time), including the importance to recognize the spiritual realities and the need to regain control of the financial system.
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