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Pact for the NWO Future

Simian Practicalist

Late last year, Opinyuns mentioned the UN Summit of the Future held in September 2024 during which an “action-oriented outcome document called the Pact for the Future” will be negotiated and endorsed by countries. This is “to turbocharge the 2030 Agenda”.

Not to worry, the UN gets things done when it comes to Agenda 2030.

The Assembly then adopted the resolution titled “The Pact for the Future” (document A/79/L.2) without a vote.

Pact for the Future

The resolution is basically the same as the corporate-propaganda version. It is organized into 5 sections containing 56 “Actions” (that span 84 paragraphs) and 2 annexes. The 5 sections are:

  • I. Sustainable development and financing for development (Actions 1–12)

  • II. International peace and security (Actions 13–27)

  • III. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation (Actions 28–33)

  • IV. Youth and future generations (Actions 34–37)

  • V. Transforming global governance (Actions 38–56)

On the surface, it is the usual seemingly well-meaning high-level waffle. It may be tempting to think that it is merely pointless drivel at worst. One has to know of other initiatives such as 2030 Agenda and a little history to understand what “they” intend.

Nevertheless, even at a glance and a little reading between the lines can be revealing. The below are merely a few excerpts.

The opening paragraphs reassure the world that it’s all about “sustainable development”.

10. We recognize that sustainable development in all its three dimensions is a central goal in itself and that its achievement, leaving no one behind, is and always will be a central objective of multilateralism. We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. We will urgently accelerate progress towards achieving the Goals…

Of course, one cannot forget “climate change” and “human rights”.

11. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, with adverse impacts that are disproportionately felt by developing countries, especially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. …
13. Every commitment in this Pact is fully consistent and aligned with international law, including human rights law. We reaffirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental freedoms enshrined therein. …

Re Action 9. We will strengthen our actions to address climate change. (Paragraph 28.)

(c) Further recognize the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5 degrees Celsius pathways and call on parties to contribute to the following global efforts…
(d) Recognize that transitional fuels can play a role in facilitating the energy transition, while ensuring energy security;

Setting aside the “science”, notice the sense of urgency regarding the reduction of emissions for “1.5 degrees Celsius” temperature increase and the push for “transitional fuels”. And the below would be funny if it isn’t serious.

(k) Protect everyone on Earth through universal coverage of multi-hazard early warning systems by 2027, including through the accelerated implementation of the Early Warnings for All initiative.

Would this system warn me of a-holes who want to rule the world?

Re Action 10. We will accelerate our efforts to restore, protect, conserve and sustainably use the environment. (Paragraph 29.)

(c) Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, including sustainable lifestyles, and circular economy approaches as a pathway to achieving sustainable consumption and production patterns, and zero-waste initiatives;

I read “sustainable consumption and production patterns” as eating whatever “they” feed us, even bugs. And that’s assuming one is alive and eating at all.

Re Action 14. We will protect all civilians in armed conflict. (Paragraph 35)

(a) Take concrete and practical measures to protect all civilians in armed conflict;
(b) Accelerate the implementation of our commitments under the children and armed conflict agenda;
(c) Restrict or refrain from, as appropriate, the use of explosive weapons in populated areas when their use may be expected to cause harm to civilians…

Right. Would that include dealing with countries committing genocide? And related to that, is anyone going to act on Action 17. We will fulfil our obligation to comply with the decisions and uphold the mandate of the International Court of Justice in any case to which our State is a party.? Oh really, anyone gonna arrest Benjamin?


Re Action 18. We will build and sustain peace. (Paragraph 39) Setting aside the fact that the UN has been building peace since 1945 and failing when even Our Lord Jesus Christ didn’t, “they” want to keep trying by going after your guns.

(f) Address the risks associated with illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, their parts and ammunition, or associated ammunition, including through national prevention strategies and approaches;

The above, when read in isolation, seems reasonable; after all, I don’t want gangsters packing heat. But what is “illicit”? The below gives a clue.

(g) Address the risks to sustaining peace posed by disinformation, misinformation, hate speech and content inciting harm, including content disseminated through digital platforms, while respecting the right to freedom of expression and to privacy and ensuring unhindered access to the Internet in accordance with international law, domestic legislation and national policies;

In other words, anyone who contradicts the lamestream view can be categorized as “disinformation” or “hate speech” or whatever. Such a person’s activity could then be considered “illicit”.

Re Action 34. We will invest in the social and economic development of children and young people so that they can reach their full potential. (Paragraph 60)

(b) Accelerate efforts to achieve universal health coverage to ensure that all young people enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including immunizations and vaccinations and sexual and reproductive health…

Oh yes, can’t forget free vaccinations and condoms.

Re Action 50. We will accelerate the reform of the international financial architecture so that countries can borrow sustainably to invest in their long-term development. (Paragraph 78.)

78. Borrowing is vital for countries to invest in their long-term development. Countries must be able to borrow sustainably, and have access to credit on affordable terms…

Wow, “borrowing is vital”. Why?

For an organization that is supposedly global and for a document that is meant to treat the subjects at a fundamental level, there is no excuse for not defining what money is. Any discussion regarding “financial architecture” that does not state what money is and how said architecture is meant to work is at best a complete waste of time since it is maintaining the current fraudulent system.

But that’s not all. Annex I is about “Global Digital Compact” with 5 objectives. Not surprisingly, Objective 3. Foster an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital space that respects, protects and promotes human rights deals with “disinformation” and “misinformation”. Here are a few items just for a chuckle.

35. (c) Provide, promote and facilitate access to and dissemination of independent, fact-based, timely, targeted, clear, accessible, multilingual and science-based information to counter misinformation and disinformation (SDGs 3, 4, 9 and 16);

Independent fact-checkers. Right. Not to worry, it doesn’t have to be independent, the UN and governments can do it too.

35. (e) Encourage United Nations entities, in collaboration with Governments and relevant stakeholders, to assess the impact of misinformation and disinformation on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 17)

By the way, Sustainable Development Goal 17 is “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development” which, as one can tell from the wording, covers just about everything.

So that’s just a glance at “Pact for the Future”. At least it doesn’t lie in the title by claiming it’s going to be a bright one.


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