In case one isn’t already convinced that those who run New Zealand are psychopaths, then their latest plandemic plan should do it. The so-called interim update was posted on or around 17 July 2024.
It is over two hundred pages of waffle. The main text is just over one hundred pages—from an editorial viewpoint, only three pages are needed to describe the “Action Framework”.
The “phases” of the plandemic plan are: “Plan For It”, “Keep It Out”, “Stamp It Out”, “Manage It”, “Manage It: Post-Peak” and “Recover From It”. It reads like something I could have made up when I was 10 years old.
The remaining one hundred pages are appendices and the interesting part is in Appendix B – “Legislation: Mandatory measures are authorised by statute” (p.122), reproduced below.
Any action specified in this plan in relation to individuals, businesses or other entities that includes the possibility of compulsory measures being taken must be authorised by statute. The action is otherwise likely to be unlawful and, in particular, might be contrary to the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.
Oh, it “might be contrary to the New Zealand Bill of Rights” but let’s just go right ahead anyway. Well, that’s nice.
As for the mandated measures:
● requirements for people to be tested, screened or vaccinated (may include arrivals to New Zealand)
“They” can make you take the jab.
● quarantining or isolating people (ie, supporting those potentially exposed and those with the disease in a quarantine or treatment/isolation facility (or at home) or prohibiting them from leaving a particular facility/home)
They can take you to a camp and keep you there.
● restricting the movement of people into or out of an area ● restricting travel (within or out of New Zealand) … ● requirements for people not to go to work or other public places or to do so only under certain conditions
They can tell where you can or cannot go which is admittedly nicer than a camp.
● imposing a duty to supply information for risk assessment or contact tracing (eg, future travel plans or past travel history)
They can make you talk.
● requirements for people to undergo preventive treatment
They can make you take the jab or whatever other drag that is no doubt safe and effective.
● commandeering of resources (eg, land, buildings or vehicles).
They can take all your stuff, either as a threat to make you comply or perhaps take all your stuff after you’re locked up in a camp. (This would, of course, be done under the pretense of pandemic management.)
By the way, under “Special Powers” (p.125):
Section 71A states that a member of the police may do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71.
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