Global Projects at War: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation by Daniel Estulin discusses the “projects” that are in play in the world today, focusing on the economic games. The text is organized into three (3) parts.

Part I: Global Projects discusses the strategies and possible courses of action of the global projects run by the US, Europe, Globalist forces, the Islamic world, Latin America, Britain, Russia (or what the author refers to as “USSR-2”) and China.
Obviously, in order to discuss the current state of affairs and the possibilities going into the future, some history is covered. There is one chapter that focuses on China that is particularly interesting as it discusses some philosophy and in turn the Chinese mentality which differs from the West.
Part II: World Post-Crisis covers the recent history regarding Bretton Woods, the Federal Reserve and Petrodollar.
One chapter discusses the conflict and difficulties between the US and China, that whilst both are enemies of the current economic system, both are subject to it so that any action taken against “the system” means taking action against each other (even if they don’t want to). Another chapter discusses the differences of the Soviet economic model as compared to the West.
Part III: Latin America as the Key Node in the New World Order highlights the problems and the potential of the American continent, particularly the desert areas versus areas with high/excessive rainfall, the potential for irrigation and increased food production, and the corridors of transportation (railway). Obviously, if any of it happens, it is on the terms of the elite rulers.
The WTO controls or at least rigs trade, including the control of food production. In other words, the elite rulers use food as a weapon. The increasing population in urban areas is also a problem since the population relies on various supply systems as well as being a mix of people from different backgrounds with its associated potential conflicts, thereby making control easier. The development of energy production such as fusion is also deliberately hindered.
The author devotes a chapter to the Monroe Doctrine and the so-called Good Neighbor Policy, pointing out US efforts, honest and dishonest, towards her Central and South American neighbors.
Overall, and this is admittedly an over-simplification, the author points out the obvious that the different “projects” will clash and lead to massive problems. And no less obvious is that any solution to the problem(s) will need to step outside of the current system(s) in place.
For many reasons, I don’t necessarily agree with all of the author’s predictions, that such-and-such may happen in the next 15 to 20 years. Nevertheless, the details of each project, historic and otherwise, are interesting and his reasoning is still sound. At least some of the historic content was new to me. Overall, it has merit and the book is worthy of at least a quick read.
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