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Firefighting Plane Considered for Pandemic Response

Simian Practicalist

Sacramento, CA – Despite the millions of dollars spent in upgrading and maintaining the firefighting Supertanker, a variant of the Boeing 747, the plane may be used as part of the plandemic response.

“Everyone knows the Californian government is corrupt and is out of money,” said a mid-level official on the condition of anonymity. “That’s why fires were deliberately lit last year, so Newsom can grab some money from the federal government.”

If this official’s claim is true, then it is obvious that not enough funds have been obtained to keep the Supertanker ready for the upcoming fire season.

One option is to modify the aircraft into a refrigerated transport that can move millions of vaccines across the country.

“That is the first option to come to mind,” said the same official. “But the plane in its current configuration can carry over 19,000 gallons of water or fire retardant. So why waste time and money on modifications? We can fill the thing with the vaccine and just dump it on the population.”

Another potential function is to transport and dump paid rioters into hot zones but “that is admittedly like starting a fire rather than putting one out,” said another official.

Firefighting Plane Considered for Pandemic Response

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