Title: The Equalizer 3
Director(s): Antoine Fuqua
Screenwriter(s): Richard Wenk
Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 49m

● Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) is in Italy getting rid of people but then gets shot. Later, he is found by carabiniere Gio Bonucci (Eugenio Mastrandrea) who quietly brings him back to his picturesque hometown, specifically to the home of an old doctor who treats him. McCall settles into the town which is under increasing pressure from a mafia-like criminal organization.
● Although hardly original, “the recovering hero developing a love for a small town” is a good enough premise as any. And one cannot deny that it is nicely shot and edited. However, even with McCall requiring time to recover, it takes too long to get to the action and when it finally does, it doesn’t quite hit the mark. There is simply not enough of it for a vigilante film.
● It is good to see Denzel on screen with Dakota Fanning again. Although there is a little intrigue regarding her character, she is under-utilized. Ultimately, the first film is the best and most satisfying.
This mini-review is part of the collection for Taken clones and derivatives.
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