Title: Cold Pursuit
Director(s): Hans Petter Moland
Screenwriter(s): Frank Baldwin
Released: 2019
Runtime: 1h 58m

● This is a remake of the Norwegian film Kraftidioten written by Kim Fupz Aakeson and also directed by Moland. This is not a Taken clone but I include it here because it has Liam Neeson going after the bad guys. Neeson plays Nels Coxman, a snowplow driver in Colorado whose son has died from a drug overdose. Coxman then goes on a revenge quest, practically alone, against the drug cartel.
● This would be a Taken clone if Coxman is an ex-cop with all the associated gunfights. Instead, he is just an ordinary guy in what is a decent black comedy. And as a black comedy, there is the effective mix of half-accidents and slapstick. Thankfully, it does not cheaply rely on being a complete farce and whilst it has its laugh-out-loud moments, it needs more of those. Overall, it is nonetheless enjoyable and worth viewing.

This mini-review is part of the collection for Taken clones and derivatives.
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