English Title: Ballerina
Korean Title: 발레리나
Director(s): Lee Chung-hyun
Screenwriter(s): Lee Chung-hyun
Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 33m
● Jang Ok-ju (Jeon Jong-seo) is a bodyguard. At the death of her best friend Choi Min-hee (Park Yu-rim), who is a ballerina, Ok-ju discovers that Min-hee was somehow involved with an individual in the criminal underworld, so Ok-ju goes after this individual.
● Although the film features a young female lead, I include it since she goes after the bad guys alone and the film is a new release. It is not action-packed, nor is it meant to be. As a revenge film, it can definitely use a little more action.
● The treatment of the friendship between Ok-ju and Min-hee takes the less-is-more approach, only showing glimpses. In my opinion, this minimalist approach works and avoids total cheesiness.
● It is nicely shot, playing with more atypical camera angles initially. It is mostly well-edited with the exception of a few moments. It is well-produced with solid lead performances that partially make up for its weaknesses.
This mini-review is part of the collection for Taken clones and derivatives.
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