Title: 3 Days to Kill
Director(s): McG
Screenwriter(s): Luc Besson & Adi Hasak
Released: 2014
Runtime: 1h 57m

● CIA agent Ethan Renner (Kevin Costner) tries to capture a terrorist but fails, partly because he has terminal cancer and hasn’t got long. Enter CIA agent Vivi Delay (Amber Heard) who offers Renner a chance to finish the job in exchange for an experimental drug that might cure him. Daley gives him a dose first which is a plausible act of good faith but it takes away the dramatic urgency. The film is therefore not as suspenseful as the title suggests.
● In addition, Renner is “the guy who has sacrificed family life for the country” and tries to be a father again to his daughter Zooey (Hailee Steinfeld). It’s not too cheesily executed even if the template is a cliché.
● Some nice set pieces initially, and nicely shot with decent sound editing too. It has a degree of grittiness but also a few moments of humor. Although not bad as a film and Costner does well, it lacks that wow factor and is not particularly memorable.
This mini-review is part of the collection for Taken clones and derivatives.
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