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COVID-19 “Vaccine” Adverse Events Update (>11 August 2021)

Simian Practicalist

This post also includes figures from the US, EEA, UK, Australia and New Zealand. The figures are for doses, not the number of so-called vaccinees since some people require two doses. Please note the different dates.

US (as of 13 August 2021)

354.78 million doses administered with 595,622 adverse events reported:

~167.9 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 596 doses.

Also, there are 13,068 deaths reported, approximately 2.19% of reported adverse events.

The reports can be called up at and There is some variation in the figures between the two platforms. The screenshot is from the latter.

Figure 1: Total cases tabulated by Event Outcome in US.
Figure 1: Total cases tabulated by Event Outcome in US.

EEA (as of 20/21 August 2021)

Astrazeneca – 89,806,260 doses administered with 182,552 adverse events reported:

~203.3 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 492 doses.

Moderna – 67,310,955 doses administered with 58,057 adverse events reported:

~86.3 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 1,159 doses.

Pfizer-Biontech (Tozinameran) – 409,099,798 doses administered with 283,882 adverse events reported:

~69.4 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 1,441 doses.

The reports can be called up at, and the rollout stats can be found at ECDC.

Figure 2: Total cases for Pfizer-Biontech (Tozinameran) in Europe.
Figure 2: Total cases for Pfizer-Biontech (Tozinameran) in Europe.

UK (as of 11 August 2021)

87,164,438 doses administered with 328,557 suspected adverse events reported:

~376.9 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 265 doses.

The rollout stats and report can be found on the UK government website.

Australia (as of 15 August 2021)

15,341,039 doses administered with 50,597 adverse events reported:

~329.8 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 303 doses.

The report can be found on the Australian Department of Health website.

New Zealand (as of 31 July 2021)

1,921,913 doses administered with 8,276 adverse events reported:

~430.6 adverse events per 100,000 doses, or 1 adverse event per 232 doses.

The report can be found on New Zealand’s Medsafe website. (I am not sure if it is due to their lockdown, but there isn’t a more recent report.)

Compare all of the above to the supposedly safe MMR vaccine: ~5 adverse events per 100,000 doses or 1 adverse event per 20,000 doses.


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