English Title: ReLIFE
Japanese Title: リライフ
Director(s): Kosaka Satoru
Screenwriter(s): Yokote Michiko & Hyodo Kazuho
Studio: TMS Entertainment
Released: 2016, 2018
Runtime: 13 episodes + 4 episodes, ~24m each.
Starring: Ono Kensho, Kayano Ai, Kimura Ryouhei, Ueda Reina, Tomatsu Haruka, Uchida Yuuma, Akaneya Himika, Sawashiro Miyuki
My Verdict: Solidly enjoyable slice-of-life drama-comedy about a 27-year-old given a chance to relive the final year of high school.
● This is based on the manga of the same title written and illustrated by Yayoiso released from 2013 to 2018. I have not read the manga so the review is purely of the anime.
● ReLIFE at 13 episodes was released in 2016. ReLIFE: Final Arc is a 4-episode sequel and conclusion released in 2018.
● Kaizaki Arata is a 27-year-old unemployed semi-recluse. He recently quit his job and is struggling to find a new one. The narrative opens with him meeting his friends for dinner and drinks pretending he still has a job. On the way home, he is approached by Yoake Ryo who offers him a one-year contract with the possibility of more work afterwards.
● The deal for Kaizaki is to take a pill that transforms his appearance back to his late teens and he has to attend high school for one year as a third-year student, starting from the beginning of the academic year. This is part of the experiment run by the company ReLIFE that Yoake represents. The plot follows Kaizaki as he navigates school life and his new friendships.
● As part of the comedy, Kaizaki struggles to even get a decent start like remembering to bring a pencil case, amongst other stupidities.
● The pill changes his outward appearance but not how his body functions so he struggles in P.E. which is arguably pushing it a little as 27 years old isn’t that old.
● Kaizaki also fails all his class tests, which is understandable at first, and it’s a running joke that he keeps on failing all of them. Even for a comedy, this is pushing it too much. Although it doesn’t take long after graduation to forget specific things, it shouldn’t take long for it to come back if one studies. It would be more realistic and just as funny for him to keep on failing one subject.
● More importantly, the drama and comedy come from the relationships. Amongst others, Kaizaki meets and becomes friends with Oga Kazuomi, a pleasant and academically confident boy and his friend Kariu Rena, a competitive and short-tempered girl who is nonetheless willing to be friendly. He also tries to befriend Hishiro Chizuru, the “expressionless and socially inept” girl.
● There are a few other minor characters that feature prominently enough for a series of this length, giving a real sense of being at school with a lot of other people without oversaturation.
● Most of the gags are reactions to specific awkward moments during interactions. Kaizaki is ten years older than those around him so he can read people better than the others, but he does get taken aback by certain reactions.
● Although presented as a bit of a loser initially, Kaizaki is nonetheless a likable person. There is a reason why he is unemployed and a semi-recluse, and this is revealed later.
● Yoake acts as a support for Kaizaki and it is commendable that the narrative addresses his past and reveals a little more about the company ReLIFE. If anything, there could be a little more exposition and character development about him.
● Visually, the production is mostly good. The designs and colors are fitting although there are some moments of inconsistency when the shading is not as refined. In a few instances, some of the facial expressions in the closer one-shots and the lip sync are not quite convincing.
● The voice acting is solid which makes up for whatever minor weaknesses there are. The music is mostly jazz-like piano at a bar. It can occasionally be jarring, which is presumably intended, and can simply be mitigated if it is a little softer in the mix. A different old song is used as the ending theme for most episodes.
● It becomes apparent soon enough that the 13 episodes do not cover the entire academic year. In that regard, it can be a little dissatisfying but given the plot progression and character development, the conclusion is not bad. It makes sense but is simply not enough.
● This is presumably why 4 additional episodes were released in 2018 to give a more complete ending. The production seems better and more consistent. My main complaint with these 4 episodes is that people in the background are too often presented as silhouettes. This technique may work in some shots but is a turnoff when overused.
● Overall, it is a solid production with a decent story. The pacing is mostly steady and the characters are relatable. It is about growing up and making the most of the present, but also about learning from past mistakes, compassion and the humility to make good use of second chances. It is funny enough and thankfully does not try to be emotion porn, nor is it overly nostalgic. It can use a few more episodes but is otherwise satisfying enough.
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