Humanum Genus by Pope Leo XIII
Francis Spews More Humanism, Like His Predecessor
Arcanum by Pope Leo XIII
Quod Apostolici Muneris by Pope Leo XIII
Inscrutabili Dei Consilio by Pope Leo XIII
Etsi Multa: On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland by Pope Pius IX
Quanta Cura: Condemning Current Errors by Pope Pius IX
Singulari Quidem: On the Church in Austria by Pope Pius IX
Qui Pluribus: On Faith and Religion by Pope Pius IX
Inter Praecipuas: On Biblical Societies by Pope Gregory XVI
Singulari Nos: On the Errors of Lammenais by Pope Gregory XVI
Mirari Vos: On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism by Pope Gregory XVI
Traditi Humilitati by Pope Pius VIII
Quo Graviora: On Secret Societies by Pope Leo XII
Ubi Primum by Pope Leo XII
Christianae Reipublicae: On the Dangers of Anti-Christian Writings by Pope Clement XIII
In eminenti: Condemnation of Freemasonry by Pope Clement XII
Francis & Private Property